Monday, May 31, 2010

PR - Patient Responsibility denial code list

MCR - 835 Denial Code List 

PR - Patient Responsibility - We could bill the patient for this denial however please make sure that any other rejection reason not specified in the EOB. 

Same denial code can be adjustment as well as patient responsibility. For example PR 45, We could bill patient but for CO 45, its a adjustment and we can't bill the patient.

PR 1 Deductible Amount Member’s plan deductible applied to the allowable benefit for the rendered service(s).

PR 2 Coinsurance Amount  Member’s plan coinsurance rate applied to allowable benefit for the rendered service(s).

PR 3 Co-payment Amount Copayment Member’s plan copayment applied to the allowable benefit for the rendered service(s).

PR 25 Payment denied. Your Stop loss deductible has not been met.

PR 26 Expenses incurred prior to coverage.

PR 27 Expenses incurred after coverage terminated.

PR 31 Claim denied as patient cannot be identified as our insured.

PR 32 Our records indicate that this dependent is not an eligible dependent as defined.

PR 33 Claim denied. Insured has no dependent coverage.

PR 34 Claim denied. Insured has no coverage for newborns.

PR 35 Lifetime benefit maximum has been reached.

PR 85 Interest amount. This change effective 1/1/2008: Patient Interest Adjustment (Use Only Group code PR)

PR 126 Deductible -- Major Medical

PR 127 Coinsurance -- Major Medical

PR 140 Patient/Insured health identification number and name do not match
PR 149 Lifetime benefit maximum has been reached for this service/benefit category.

PR 166 These services were submitted after this payers responsibility for processing claims under this plan ended.

PR 168 Payment denied as Service(s) have been considered under the patient's medical plan. Benefits are not available under this dental plan

PR 177 Payment denied because the patient has not met the required eligibility requirements

PR 200 Expenses incurred during lapse in coverage

PR 201 Workers Compensation case settled. Patient is responsible for amount of this claim/service through WC “Medicare set aside arrangement” or other agreement. (Use group code PR).

PR 204 This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient’s current benefit plan

PR B1 Non-covered visits.

PR B9 Services not covered because the patient is enrolled in a Hospice.

PR - Patient Responisibility denial code list

Here you could find Group code and denial reason too.

Adjustment  Group Code Description

CO Contractual Obligation
CR Corrections and Reversal
OA Other Adjustment
PI Payer Initiated Reductions
PR Patient Responsibility

Reason  Code Description

1 Deductible Amount

2 Coinsurance Amount

3 Co-payment Amount

4 The procedure code is inconsistent with the modifier used or a required modifier is missing.

5 The procedure code/bill type is inconsistent with the place of service.

6 The procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's age.

7 The procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's gender.

8 The procedure code is inconsistent with the provider type/specialty (taxonomy).

9 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's age.

10 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's gender.

11 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the procedure.

12 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the provider type.

13 The date of death precedes the date of service.

14 The date of birth follows the date of service.

15 The authorization number is missing, invalid, or does not apply to the billed services or provider.

16 Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s) which is needed for adjudication.

17 Requested information was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.

18 Exact duplicate claim/service

19 This is a work-related injury/illness and thus the liability of the Worker's Compensation Carrier.

20 This injury/illness is covered by the liability carrier.

21 This injury/illness is the liability of the no-fault carrier.

22 This care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits.

23 The impact of prior payer(s) adjudication including payments and/or adjustments.

24 Charges are covered under a capitation agreement/managed care plan.

25 Payment denied. Your Stop loss deductible has not been met.

26 Expenses incurred prior to coverage.

27 Expenses incurred after coverage terminated.

28 Coverage not in effect at the time the service was provided.

29 The time limit for filing has expired.

30 Payment adjusted because the patient has not met the required eligibility, spend down, waiting, or residency requirements.

31 Patient cannot be identified as our insured.

32 Our records indicate that this dependent is not an eligible dependent as defined.

33 Insured has no dependent coverage.

34 Insured has no coverage for newborns.

35 Lifetime benefit maximum has been reached.

36 Balance does not exceed co-payment amount.

37 Balance does not exceed deductible.

38 Services not provided or authorized by designated (network/primary care) providers.

39 Services denied at the time authorization/pre-certification was requested.

40 Charges do not meet qualifications for emergent/urgent care.

41 Discount agreed to in Preferred Provider contract.

42 Charges exceed our fee schedule or maximum allowable amount.

43 Gramm-Rudman reduction.

44 Prompt-pay discount.

45 Charge exceeds fee schedule/maximum allowable or contracted/legislated fee arrangement.

46 This (these) service(s) is (are) not covered.

47 This (these) diagnosis(es) is (are) not covered, missing, or are invalid.

48 This (these) procedure(s) is (are) not covered.

49 This is a non-covered service because it is a routine/preventive exam or a diagnostic/screening
procedure done in conjunction with a routine/preventive exam.

50 These are non-covered services because this is not deemed a 'medical necessity' by the payer.

51 These are non-covered services because this is a pre-existing condition.

52 The referring/prescribing/rendering provider is not eligible to refer/prescribe/order/perform the service billed.

53 Services by an immediate relative or a member of the same household are not covered.

54 Multiple physicians/assistants are not covered in this case.

55 Procedure/treatment is deemed experimental/investigational by the payer.

56 Procedure/treatment has not been deemed 'proven to be effective' by the payer.

57 Payment denied/reduced because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this level of service, this many services, this length of service, this dosage, or this day's supply.

58 Treatment was deemed by the payer to have been rendered in an inappropriate or invalid place of service.

59 Processed based on multiple or concurrent procedure rules.

60 Charges for outpatient services are not covered when performed within a period of time prior to or after inpatient services.

61 Penalty for failure to obtain second surgical opinion.

62 Payment denied/reduced for absence of, or exceeded, pre-certification/authorization.

63 Correction to a prior claim.

64 Denial reversed per Medical Review.

65 Procedure code was incorrect. This payment reflects the correct code.

66 Blood Deductible.

67 Lifetime reserve days.

68 DRG weight.

69 Day outlier amount.

70 Cost outlier - Adjustment to compensate for additional costs.

71 Primary Payer amount.

72 Coinsurance day.

73 Administrative days.

74 Indirect Medical Education Adjustment.

75 Direct Medical Education Adjustment.

76 Disproportionate Share Adjustment.

77 Covered days.

78 Non-Covered days/Room charge adjustment.

79 Cost Report days.

80 Outlier days.

81 Discharges.

82 PIP days

83 Total visits.

84 Capital Adjustment.

85 Patient Interest Adjustment

86 Statutory Adjustment.

87 Transfer amount.

88 Adjustment amount represents collection against receivable created in prior overpayment.

89 Professional fees removed from charges.

90 Ingredient cost adjustment.

91 Dispensing fee adjustment.

92 Claim Paid in full.

93 No Claim level Adjustments.

94 Processed in Excess of charges.

95 Plan procedures not followed.

96 Non-covered charge(s).

97 The benefit for this service is included in the payment/allowance for another service/procedure that has already been adjudicated.

98 The hospital must file the Medicare claim for this inpatient non-physician service.

99 Medicare Secondary Payer Adjustment Amount.

100 Payment made to patient/insured/responsible party/employer.

101 Predetermination: anticipated payment upon completion of services or claim adjudication.

102 Major Medical Adjustment.

103 Provider promotional discount

104 Managed care withholding.

105 Tax withholding.

106 Patient payment option/election not in effect.

107 The related or qualifying claim/service was not identified on this claim.

108 Rent/purchase guidelines were not met.

109 Claim/service not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim/service to
the correct payer/contractor.
Check if patient has any HMO, and bill to that appropriate payer.
Check and submit the claims to Primary carrier.  If patient said there is no primary insurance then ask patient to call Medicare and update as Medicare is primary. After this process resubmit the claims and it will be processed.

How to Avoid Future Denials

Identify the correct Medicare contractor to process the claim.
Verify the beneficiary through insurance websites. Claims should be filed to the correct payer the beneficiary resides in at the time of claim submission.

110 Billing date predates service date.

111 Not covered unless the provider accepts assignment.

112 Service not furnished directly to the patient and/or not documented.

113 Payment denied because service/procedure was provided outside the United States or as a result of war.

114 Procedure/product not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

115 Procedure postponed, canceled, or delayed.

116 The advance indemnification notice signed by the patient did not comply with 117 Transportation is only covered to the closest facility that can provide the necessary care.

118 ESRD network support adjustment.

119 Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached.

120 Patient is covered by a managed care plan.

121 Indemnification adjustment - compensation for outstanding member responsibility.

122 Psychiatric reduction.

123 Payer refund due to overpayment.

124 Payer refund amount - not our patient.

125 Submission/billing error(s).

126 Deductible -- Major Medical.

127 Coinsurance -- Major Medical.

128 Newborn's services are covered in the mother's Allowance.

129 Prior processing information appears incorrect.

130 Claim submission fee.

131 Claim specific negotiated discount.

132 Prearranged demonstration project adjustment.

133 The disposition of the claim/service is pending further review.

134 Technical fees removed from charges.

135 Interim bills cannot be processed.

136 Failure to follow prior payer's coverage rules.

137 Regulatory Surcharges, Assessments, Allowances or Health Related Taxes.

138 Appeal procedures not followed or time limits not met.

139 Contracted funding agreement - Subscriber is employed by the provider of services.

140 Patient/Insured health identification number and name do not match.

141 Claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage.

142 Monthly Medicaid patient liability amount.

143 Portion of payment deferred.

144 Incentive adjustment, e.g. preferred product/service.

145 Premium payment withholding.

146 Diagnosis was invalid for the date(s) of service reported.

147 Provider contracted/negotiated rate expired or not on file.

148 Information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.

149 Lifetime benefit maximum has been reached for this service/benefit category.

150 Payer deems the information submitted does not support this level of service.

151 Payment adjusted because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this many/frequency of services.

152 Payer deems the information submitted does not support this length of service.

153 Payer deems the information submitted does not support this dosage.

154 Payer deems the information submitted does not support this day's supply.

155 Patient refused the service/procedure.

156 Flexible spending account payments. Note: Use code 187.

157 Service/procedure was provided as a result of an act of war.

158 Service/procedure was provided outside of the United States.

159 Service/procedure was provided as a result of terrorism.

160 Injury/illness was the result of an activity that is a benefit exclusion.

161 Provider performance bonus.

162 State-mandated Requirement for Property and Casualty, see Claim Payment Remarks Code for specific explanation.

163 Attachment/other documentation referenced on the claim was not received.

164 Attachment/other documentation referenced on the claim was not received in a timely fashion.

165 Referral absent or exceeded.

166 These services were submitted after this payers responsibility for processing claims under this plan ended.

167 This (these) diagnosis(es) is (are) not covered.

168 Service(s) have been considered under the patient's medical plan. Benefits are not available under this dental plan.

169 Alternate benefit has been provided.

170 Payment is denied when performed/billed by this type of provider.

171 Payment is denied when performed/billed by this type of provider in this type of facility.

172 Payment is adjusted when performed/billed by a provider of this specialty.

173 Service/equipment was not prescribed by a physician.

174 Service was not prescribed prior to delivery.

175 Prescription is incomplete.

176 Prescription is not current.

177 Patient has not met the required eligibility requirements.

178 Patient has not met the required spend down requirements.

179 Patient has not met the required waiting requirements.

180 Patient has not met the required residency requirements.

181 Procedure code was invalid on the date of service.

182 Procedure modifier was invalid on the date of service.

183 The referring provider is not eligible to refer the service billed.

184 The prescribing/ordering provider is not eligible to prescribe/order the service billed.

185 The rendering provider is not eligible to perform the service billed.

186 Level of care change adjustment.

187 Consumer Spending Account payments (includes but is not limited to Flexible Spending Account, Health Savings Account, Health Reimbursement Account, etc.)

188 This product/procedure is only covered when used according to FDA recommendations.

189 'Not otherwise classified' or 'unlisted' procedure code (CPT/HCPCS) was billed when there is a specific procedure code for this procedure/service.

190 Payment is included in the allowance for a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) qualified stay.

191 Not a work related injury/illness and thus not the liability of the workers' compensation carrier.

192 Non standard adjustment code from paper remittance.

193 Original payment decision is being maintained. Upon review, it was determined that this claim was processed properly.

194 Anesthesia performed by the operating physician, the assistant surgeon or the attending physician.

195 Refund issued to an erroneous priority payer for this claim/service.

196 Claim/service denied based on prior payer's coverage determination.

197 Precertification/authorization/notification absent.

198 Precertification/authorization exceeded.

199 Revenue code and Procedure code do not match.

200 Expenses incurred during lapse in coverage.

201 Workers' Compensation case settled. Patient is responsible for amount of this claim/service through WC 'Medicare set aside arrangement' or other agreement.

202 Non-covered personal comfort or convenience services.

203 Discontinued or reduced service.

204 This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient’s current benefit plan.

205 Pharmacy discount card processing fee.

206 National Provider Identifier - missing.

207 National Provider identifier - Invalid format.

208 National Provider Identifier - Not matched.

209 Per regulatory or other agreement. The provider cannot collect this amount from the patient. However, this amount may be billed to subsequent payer. Refund to patient if collected.

210 Payment adjusted because pre-certification/authorization not received in a timely fashion.

211 National Drug Codes (NDC) not eligible for rebate, are not covered.

212 Administrative surcharges are not covered.

213 Non-compliance with the physician self referral prohibition legislation or payer policy.

214 Workers' Compensation claim adjudicated as non-compensable. This Payer not liable for claim or service/treatment.

215 Based on subrogation of a third party settlement.

216 Based on the findings of a review organization.

217 Based on payer reasonable and customary fees. No maximum allowable defined by
legislated fee arrangement.

218 Based on entitlement to benefits.

219 Based on extent of injury.

220 The applicable fee schedule/fee database does not contain the billed code. Please resubmit a bill with the appropriate fee schedule/fee database code(s) that best describe the service(s) provided and supporting documentation if required.

221 Claim is under investigation.

222 Exceeds the contracted maximum number of hours/days/units by this provider for this period. This is not patient specific.

223 Adjustment code for mandated federal, state or local law/regulation that is not already covered by another code and is mandated before a new code can be created.

224 Patient identification compromised by identity theft. Identity verification required for processing this and future claims.

225 Penalty or Interest Payment by Payer.

226 Information requested from the Billing/Rendering Provider was not provided or not provided timely or was insufficient/incomplete.

227 Information requested from the patient/insured/responsible party was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.
Action: Bill the patient, hence patient has to provide the requested information to the payer.

228 Denied for failure of this provider, another provider or the subscriber to supply requested information to a previous payer for their adjudication.

229 Partial charge amount not considered by Medicare due to the initial claim Type of Bill being 12X.

230 No available or correlating CPT/HCPCS code to describe this service.

231 Mutually exclusive procedures cannot be done in the same day/setting.

232 Institutional Transfer Amount. Note - Applies to institutional claims only and explains the DRG amount difference when the patient care crosses multiple institutions.

233 Services/charges related to the treatment of a hospital-acquired condition or preventable medical error.

234 This procedure is not paid separately.

235 Sales Tax.

236 This procedure or procedure/modifier combination is not compatible with another procedure or procedure/modifier combination provided on the same day according to the National Correct Coding Initiative or workers compensation state regulations/ fee schedule requirements.

Action for PR 236 - If the service was already been paid as part of another service billed for the same date of service.
Check Points:
The service which was billed is not compatible with another procedure
Check if we billed the same procedure twice with out modifier
Check the units which was billed
Check all the above and append with appropriate modifier, resubmit the claim as Corrected Claim.

237 Legislated/Regulatory Penalty.

238 Claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage, this is the reduction for the ineligible period.

239 Claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage. Rebill separate claims.

240 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's birth weight.

241 Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Co-payment Amount

242 Services not provided by network/primary care providers.
Reason for this denial PR 242:
If your Provider is Not Contracted for this member's plan
Supplies or DME codes are only payable to Authorized DME Providers
Non- Member Provider
Not covered benefit when using a Non-Contracted plan
Action : Waiting for Credentiall or to bill  patient or to waive the balance as per Cleint instruction.

243 Services not authorized by network/primary care providers.
Reason and action for the denial PR 242:
Authorization requested for Non-PAR provider - Act based on client confirmation
Not Authorized by PCP - Bill patient, confirm with client on the same.

244 Payment reduced to zero due to litigation. Additional information will be sent following the conclusion of litigation.

245 Provider performance program withhold.

246 This non-payable code is for required reporting only.

247 Deductible for Professional service rendered in an Institutional setting and billed on an Institutional claim.

248 Coinsurance for Professional service rendered in an Institutional setting and billed on an Institutional claim.

249 This claim has been identified as a readmission.

250 The attachment/other documentation content received is inconsistent with the expected content.

251 The attachment/other documentation content received did not contain the content required to process this claim or service.

252 An attachment/other documentation is required to adjudicate this claim/service.
Action for PR 252 Check the remark code which was provided in th eExplanation of Benefit, so that we can very well understand the exact reason for denial and it will help us to act the corrrective measures.
We have check the coding guideliness to resolve this.

253 Sequestration - reduction in federal payment.

254 Claim received by the dental plan, but benefits not available under this plan. Submit these services to the patient's medical plan for further consideration.

255 The disposition of the related Property & Casualty claim (injury or illness) is pending due to litigation.

256 Service not payable per managed care contract.

257 The disposition of the claim/service is undetermined during the premium payment grace period, per Health Insurance Exchange requirements. This claim/service will be reversed and corrected when the grace period ends (due to premium payment or lack of premium payment).

258 Claim/service not covered when patient is in custody/incarcerated. Applicable federal, state or local authority may cover the claim/service.

A0 Patient refund amount.

A1 Claim/Service denied.

A2 Contractual adjustment.

A3 Medicare Secondary Payer liability met.

A4 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Day Outlier Amount.

A5 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Cost Outlier Amount.

A6 Prior hospitalization or 30 day transfer requirement not met.

A7 Presumptive Payment Adjustment.

A8 Ungroupable DRG.

B1 Non-covered visits.

B2 Covered visits.

B3 Covered charges.

B4 Late filing penalty.

B5 Coverage/program guidelines were not met or were exceeded.

B6 This payment is adjusted when performed/billed by this type of provider, by this type of provider in this type of facility, or by a provider of this specialty.

B7 This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service.

B8 Alternative services were available, and should have been utilized.

B9 Patient is enrolled in a Hospice.

B10 Allowed amount has been reduced because a component of the basic procedure/test was paid. The beneficiary is not liable for more than the charge limit for the basic procedure/test.

B11 The claim/service has been transferred to the proper payer/processor for processing.
Claim/service not covered by this payer/processor.

B12 Services not documented in patients' medical records.

B13 Previously paid. Payment for this claim/service may have been provided in a previous payment.

B14 Only one visit or consultation per physician per day is covered.

B15 This service/procedure requires that a qualifying service/procedure be received and covered. The qualifying other service/procedure has not been received/adjudicated.

B16 'New Patient' qualifications were not met.

B17 Payment adjusted because this service was not prescribed by a physician, not prescribed prior to delivery, the prescription is incomplete, or the prescription is not current.

B18 This procedure code and modifier were invalid on the date of service.

B19 Claim/service adjusted because of the finding of a Review Organization.

B20 Procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by another provider.

B21 The charges were reduced because the service/care was partially furnished by another

B22 This payment is adjusted based on the diagnosis.

B23 Procedure billed is not authorized per your Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) proficiency test.

D1 Claim/service denied. Level of subluxation is missing or inadequate.

D2 Claim lacks the name, strength, or dosage of the drug furnished.

D3 Claim/service denied because information to indicate if the patient owns the equipment that requires the part or supply was missing.

D4 Claim/service does not indicate the period of time for which this will be needed.

D5 Claim/service denied. Claim
 lacks individual lab codes included in the test.

D6 Claim/service denied. Claim did not include patient's medical record for the service.

D7 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks date of patient's most recent physician visit.

D8 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks indicator that 'x-ray is available for review.'

D9 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks invoice or statement certifying the actual cost of the lens, less discounts or the type of intraocular lens used.

D10 Claim/service denied. Completed physician financial relationship form not on file.

D11 Claim lacks completed pacemaker registration form.

D12 Claim/service denied. Claim does not identify who performed the purchased diagnostic test or the amount you were charged for the test.

D13 Claim/service denied. Performed by a facility/supplier in which the ordering/referring physician has a financial interest.

D14 Claim lacks indication that plan of treatment is on file.

D15 Claim lacks indication that service was supervised or evaluated by a physician.

D16 Claim lacks prior payer payment information.

D17 Claim/Service has invalid non-covered days.

D18 Claim/Service has missing diagnosis information.

D19 Claim/Service lacks Physician/Operative or other supporting documentation

D20 Claim/Service missing service/product information.

D21 This (these) diagnosis(es) is (are) missing or are invalid

D22 Reimbursement was adjusted for the reasons to be provided in separate correspondence.

D23 This dual eligible patient is covered by Medicare Part D per Medicare Retro-Eligibility.

P1 State-mandated Requirement for Property and Casualty, see Claim Payment Remarks Code for specific explanation.

P2 Not a work related injury/illness and thus not the liability of the workers' compensation carrier.

P3 Workers' Compensation case settled. Patient is responsible for amount of this
claim/service through WC 'Medicare set aside arrangement' or other agreement.

P4 Workers' Compensation claim adjudicated as non-compensable. This Payer not liable for
claim or service/treatment.

P5 Based on payer reasonable and customary fees. No maximum allowable defined by
legislated fee arrangement.

P6 Based on entitlement to benefits.

P7 The applicable fee schedule/fee database does not contain the billed code. Please
resubmit a bill with the appropriate fee schedule/fee database code(s) that best describe
the service(s) provided and supporting documentation if required.

P8 Claim is under investigation.

P9 No available or correlating CPT/HCPCS code to describe this service.

P10 Payment reduced to zero due to litigation. Additional information will be sent following the conclusion of litigation.

P11 The disposition of the related Property & Casualty claim (injury or illness) is pending due to litigation.

P12 Workers' compensation jurisdictional fee schedule adjustment.

P13 Payment reduced or denied based on workers' compensation jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

P14 The Benefit for this Service is included in the payment/allowance for another service/procedure that has been performed on the same day.

P15 Workers' Compensation Medical Treatment Guideline Adjustment.

P16 Medical provider not authorized/certified to provide treatment to injured workers in this jurisdiction. To be used for Workers' Compensation only.

P17 Referral not authorized by attending physician per regulatory requirement.

P18 Procedure is not listed in the jurisdiction fee schedule. An allowance has been made for a comparable service.

P19 Procedure has a relative value of zero in the jurisdiction fee schedule, therefore no payment is due. To be used for Property and Casualty only.

P20 Service not paid under jurisdiction allowed outpatient facility fee schedule.

P21 Payment denied based on Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

P22 Payment adjusted based on Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

P23 Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional fee schedule adjustment.

W1 Workers' compensation jurisdictional fee schedule adjustment.

W2 Payment reduced or denied based on workers' compensation jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

W3 The Benefit for this Service is included in the payment/allowance for another service/procedure that has been performed on the same day.

W4 Workers' Compensation Medical Treatment Guideline Adjustment.

W5 Medical provider not authorized/certified to provide treatment to injured workers in this jurisdiction. (Use with Group Code CO or OA)

W6 Referral not authorized by attending physician per regulatory requirement.

W7 Procedure is not listed in the jurisdiction fee schedule. An allowance has been made for a comparable service.

W8 Procedure has a relative value of zero in the jurisdiction fee schedule, therefore no payment is due.

W9 Service not paid under jurisdiction allowed outpatient facility fee schedule.

Y1 Payment denied based on Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

Y2 Payment adjusted based on Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional regulations or payment policies, use only if no other code is applicable.

Y3 Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits jurisdictional fee schedule adjustment.

CO : Contractual Obligations denial code list

MCR - 835 Denial Code List  

CO : Contractual Obligations - Denial based on the contract and as per the fee schedule amount.

CO should be sent if the adjustment is related to the contracted and/or negotiated rate Provider’s charge either exceeded contracted or negotiated agreement (rate, maximum number of hours, days or units) with the payer, exceeded the reasonable and customary amount for the rendered service(s). Use this category when a joint payer/payee agreement or a regulatory requirement  has resulted in an adjustment that the member is not responsible for, or the provider’s charge exceeds the
reasonable and customary amount and for which the  patient is responsible.

CO (Contractual Obligation) assigns financial responsibility to the provider. When CO is used to describe an adjustment, a provider is not permitted to bill the beneficiary for the amount of that adjustment; or PR (Patient Responsibility) assigns financial responsibility to the patient. Medicare beneficiaries may be billed only when Group Code PR is used with an adjustment.

For CO denial code, We could not bill the patient but we could resubmit the claim with necessary correction according to Denial.


Denial code CO 4 says that the code for the procedure is inconsistent along with the modifier used or that a necessary modifier is supposedly missing. Denial code CO 11 says that the diagnosis may be inconsistent with the involved procedure. Denial code CO 16 says that the service or claim lacks the necessary information needed for the adjudication. The denial code CO 18 revolves around a duplicate service or claim while the denial code CO 22 revolves around the fact that the care can be covered by any other payer for coordination of the benefits involved.

The denial code CO 24 describes that the charges may be covered under a managed care plan or a capitation agreement. The denial code CO 27 revolves around the expenses that are incurred after the coverage is terminated. The denial code CO 50 is about the non-covered services as these are not deemed a medical necessity by the concerned payer. The denial code CO 96 revolves around non-covered charges while the denial code CO 97 is about service and its benefit, whether or not it is included with the allowance or payment for any other service or any other procedure which has been already adjudicated. The denial code CO 109 deals with a service or claim that is not covered

CO - Denial code full list

CO 15 Payment adjusted because the submitted authorization number is missing, invalid, or does not apply to the billed services or provider.

CO 22 Payment adjusted because this care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits.

CO 24 Payment for charges adjusted. Charges are covered under a capitation agreement/managed care plan.

CO 29 The time limit for filing has expired.

CO 38 Services not provided or authorized by designated (network/primary care) providers.

CO 39 Services denied at the time authorization/pre-certification was requested.

CO 45 Charges exceed your contracted/ legislated fee arrangement. This change to be effective 6/1/07: Charge exceeds fee schedule/maximum allowable or contracted/legislated fee arrangement. (Use Group Codes PR or CO depending upon liability).

CO 49 These are non-covered services because this is a routine exam or screening procedure done in conjunction with a routine exam.
CO 50 These are non-covered services because this is not deemed a `medical necessity' by the payer.

CO 51 These are non-covered services because this is a pre-existing condition

CO 54 Multiple physicians/assistants are not covered in this case .

CO 55 Claim/service denied because procedure/treatment is deemed experimental/investigational by the payer.

CO 56 Claim/service denied because procedure/treatment has not been deemed `proven to be effective' by the payer.

CO 58 Payment adjusted because treatment was deemed by the payer to have been rendered in an inappropriate or invalid place of service.

CO 60 Charges for outpatient services with this proximity to inpatient services are not covered.

CO 66 Blood Deductible.

CO 69 Day outlier amount.

CO 70 Cost outlier - Adjustment to compensate for additional costs.

CO 76 Disproportionate Share Adjustment.

CO 78 Non-Covered days/Room charge adjustment.

CO 89 Professional fees removed from charges.

CO 91 Dispensing fee adjustment.

CO 94 Processed in Excess of charges.

CO 96 Non-covered charge(s). At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the Remittance Advice Remark Code or NCPDP Reject Reason Code.)

CO 101 Predetermination: anticipated payment upon completion of services or claim adjudication.

CO 102 Major Medical Adjustment.

CO 103 Provider promotional discount (e.g., Senior citizen discount).

CO 107 Claim/service adjusted because the related or qualifying claim/service was not identified on this claim.

CO 110 Billing date predates service date.

CO 111 Not covered unless the provider accepts assignment.

CO 114 Procedure/product not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

CO 117 Payment adjusted because transportation is only covered to the closest facility that can provide the necessary care.

CO 119 Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached.

CO 125 Payment adjusted due to a submission/billing error(s). At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the Remittance Advice Remark Code or NCPDP Reject Reason Code.)

CO 128 Newborn's services are covered in the mother's Allowance.

CO 135 Claim denied. Interim bills cannot be processed.

CO 138 Claim/service denied. Appeal procedures not followed or time limits not met.

CO 139 Contracted funding agreement - Subscriber is employed by the provider of services.

CO 146 Payment denied because the diagnosis was invalid for the date(s) of service reported.

CO 157 Payment denied/reduced because service/procedure was provided as a result of an act of war.

CO 158 Payment denied/reduced because the service/procedure was provided outside of the United States.

CO 159 Payment denied/reduced because the service/procedure was provided as a result of terrorism.

CO 160 Payment denied/reduced because injury/illness was the result of an activity that is a benefit exclusion.

CO 162 State-mandated Requirement for Property and Casualty, see Claim Payment Remarks Code for specific explanation.

CO 165 Payment denied /reduced for absence of, or exceeded referral

CO 167 This (these) diagnosis(es) is (are) not covered.

CO 170 Payment is denied when performed/billed by this type of provider.

CO 171 Payment is denied when performed/billed by this type of provider in this type of facility.

CO 172 Payment is adjusted when performed/billed by a provider of this specialty

CO 174 Payment denied because this service was not prescribed prior to delivery

CO 175 Payment denied because the prescription is incomplete

CO 176 Payment denied because the prescription is not current

CO 183 The referring provider is not eligible to refer the service billed.

CO 184 The prescribing/ordering provider is not eligible to prescribe/order the service billed.

CO 185 The rendering provider is not eligible to perform the service billed.

CO 188 This product/procedure is only covered when used according to FDA recommendations.

CO 190 Payment is included in the allowance for a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) qualified stay.

CO 191 Claim denied because this is not a work related injury/illness and thus not the liability of the workers’ compensation carrier.

CO 193 Original payment decision is being maintained. This claim was processed properly the first time.

CO 205 Pharmacy discount card processing fee

CO 211 National Drug Codes (NDC) not eligible for rebate, are not covered.

CO A4 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Day Outlier Amount.

CO A5 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Cost Outlier Amount.

CO A7 Presumptive Payment Adjustment

CO B10 Allowed amount has been reduced because a component of the basic procedure/test was paid. The beneficiary is not liable for more than the charge limit for the basic procedure/test.

CO B14 Payment denied because only one visit or consultation per physician per day is covered.

CO B16 Payment adjusted because `New Patient' qualifications were not met.

CO B23 Payment denied because this provider has failed an aspect of a proficiency testing program.

CO B4 Late filing penalty.

CO B5 Payment adjusted because coverage/program guidelines were not met or were exceeded.

CO B7 This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service.

CO denial code list BCBS insurance


CO 6 Services not covered due to patient age
CO 7 Services not covered due to patient sex
CO 8 Provider specialty not covered for this service
CO 9 Member's age not compatible with this diagnosis
CO 10 Services not covered due to sex restrictions
CO 10 Patient's sex no allowed for this diagnosis
CO 11 Procedure not covered with this diagnosis
CO 18 Duplicate of a service previously submitted
CO 20 Claim denied due to third party liability
CO 24 Capitated line item
CO 27 Patient has been terminated
CO 27 Plan terminated or not in effect on date of service
CO 27 Group terminated or not in effect on date of service
CO 27 Subscriber or patient terminated or not in effect
CO 27 Date of service not within effective dated range
CO 29 Claim was not received within the filing limit
CO 30 Patient waiting period has not expired
CO 30 Diagnosis waiting period has not expired
CO 32 Dependent children over age or not students are not covered
CO 35 Member met or exceeded maximum dollar amount allowed
CO 35 Maximum benefits paid for this diagnosis
CO 35 Major Medical Lifetime Maximum met
CO 35 Major Medical Lifetime Maximum met
CO 38 Primary Care Physician did not approve these services
CO 40 Out-of-plan services not covered for emergencies
CO 47 Services not covered with this diagnosis
CO 47 Diagnosis not allowed
CO 47 Special processing claim
CO 52 Disallowed out of plan referrals are not covered
CO 57 Non-payment is a result of utilization review decision
CO 61 Proper second opinion was not obtained
CO 62 Limit on number of units/visits on authorization exceeded
CO 62 Dollar limit on authorization is exceeded
CO 62 Penalty applied - No precertification
CO 78 Inpatient services are denied for this stay
CO 95 Penalty applied to line
CO 96 Service is not covered
CO 96 Not a covered benefit for this member
CO 96 Not a covered benefit for this type of employee
CO 97 Procedure is incident to
CO 97 Procedure part of lab panel
CO 97 No fee schedule for this line item
CO 97 Line XXX denied due to starred procedure rule
CO 97 Procedure is mutually exclusive to
CO 97 Procedure is being rebundled to
CO 97 Procedure is included in
CO 97 Denied service rendered within pre-op days
CO 97 Denied service rendered within post-op days
CO 119 Member met or exceeded maximum number of services allowed
CO 141 Services occurs between two period counts
CO 141 Some or all services did not meet eligibility requirement
CO A1 Not covered by BlueCare Family Plan
CO A1 Claim not eligible for payment
CO A1 Denied - multiple component billing
CO A2 Procedure covered only in the case of an accident
CO A2 Procedure covered only in emergency (urgent) case
CO A2 Second surgical opinion paid at reduced rate
CO A2 Denied - Smart suspense
CO B1 Service(s) covered only under an accident rider
CO B5 BlueCare Family Plan guidelines not followed
CO B5 Charges applied toward penalty
CO B15 Follow-up visits included in the global surgery fee
CO B18 Procedure has been terminated on the plan
CO B18 Invalid procedure code - please submit with the correct code
CO B22 Diagnosis must be severe for this service to be covered

Medicare denial codes - OA : Other adjustments, CARC and RARC list

Medicare contractors are permitted to use the following group codes:

CO Contractual Obligation (provider is financially liable);
CR Correction and Reversal (no financial liability);
OA Other Adjustment (no financial liability); and

PR Patient Responsibility (patient is financially liable).

MCR - 835 Denial Code List 

OA : Other adjustments

OA Group Reason code applies when other Group reason code cant be applied. Its mostly like that payment is not considered due to coverage problem and some other party is responsible for that claim like the below reason.

Benefits were not considered by the other payer because patient is not covered.

Or the claim was adjusted based on failure to follow prior payer’s coverage rules.

The charge was already considered by a previous payer

What are CARCs and RARCs?

CARCs and RARCs are codes used on the Medicare provider remittance advice (RA) to explain any adjustment(s) made to the payment.

CARCs, or Claim Adjustment Reason Codes, explain financial adjustments, such as denials, reductions or increases in payment. CARCs explain why a claim (or service line) was paid differently than it was billed.  CARCs are used in the RA with group codes that shows the liability for amounts not covered by Medicare for a claim or service. Group codes include CO (contractual obligations), OA (other adjustments) and PR (patient responsibility). CARCs can be reported at the service-line level or the claim level.


CO-16: Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s) which is needed for adjudication. Do not use this code for claims attachment(s)/other documentation. At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the NCPDP Reject Reason Code, or Remittance Advice Remark Code that is not an ALERT.) Note: Refer to the 835 Healthcare Policy Identification Segment (loop 2110 Service Payment Information REF), if present.

RARCs, or Remittance Advice Remark Codes, are used in the RA in conjunction with CARCs to further explain an adjustment or relay informational messages that cannot be expressed with a claim adjustment reason code. Most RARCs are supplemental and further explain an adjustment already described by a CARC. Other remark codes are 'informational' and do not further explain a specific adjustment but provide general adjudication information. Informational remark codes start with the word 'Alert.' RARCs can be reported at the service-line level or the claim level.


RARC MA120 - Missing/incomplete/invalid CLIA certification number. RARC MA120 could be used to further explain CARC/Group Code CO-16.

Informational RARC MA15 - Alert: Your claim has been separated to expedite handling. You will receive a separate notice for the other services reported

Indian Health Service — patient coinsurance or deductible

Per Section 630 of the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA), which permits Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities to directly bill Medicare for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS), federal government agencies do not permit providers to collect coinsurance or deductible payments from IHS patients. This new reason code enables Medicare to communicate the message that coinsurance or deductible cannot be collected from the patient.

OA 4 The procedure code is inconsistent with the modifier used or a required modifier is missing.

OA 5 The procedure code/bill type is inconsistent with the place of service.

OA 6 The procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's age.

OA 7 The procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's gender.

OA 8 The procedure code is inconsistent with the provider type/specialty (taxonomy).

OA 9 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's age.

OA 10 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's gender.

OA 11 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the procedure.

OA 12 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the provider type.

OA 13 The date of death precedes the date of service.

OA 14 The date of birth follows the date of service.

OA 16 Claim/service lacks information which is needed for adjudication. At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the Remittance Advice Remark Code or NCPDP Reject Reason Code.)

OA 18 Duplicate claim/service.

OA 19 Claim denied because this is a work-related injury/illness and thus the liability of the Worker's Compensation Carrier.

OA 20 Claim denied because this injury/illness is covered by the liability carrier.

OA 21 Claim denied because this injury/illness is the liability of the no-fault carrier.

OA 40 Charges do not meet qualifications for emergent/urgent care.

OA 44 Prompt-pay discount.

OA 53 Services by an immediate relative or a member of the same household are not covered.

OA 59 Charges are adjusted based on multiple or concurrent procedure rules. (For example multiple surgery or diagnostic imaging, concurrent anesthesia.)

OA 61 Charges adjusted as penalty for failure to obtain second surgical opinion.

OA 74 Indirect Medical Education Adjustment.

OA 75 Direct Medical Education Adjustment.

OA 87 Transfer amount.

OA 90 Ingredient cost adjustment.

OA 95 Benefits adjusted. Plan procedures not followed.

OA 100 Payment made to patient/insured/responsible party.

OA 104 Managed care withholding.

OA 105 Tax withholding.

OA 106 Patient payment option/election not in effect.

OA 109 Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor.

OA 116 Payment denied. The advance indemnification notice signed by the patient did not comply with requirements.

OA 118 Charges reduced for ESRD network support.

OA 121 Indemnification adjustment.

OA 122 Psychiatric reduction.

OA 130 Claim submission fee.

OA 131 Claim specific negotiated discount.

OA 132 Prearranged demonstration project adjustment.

OA 133 The disposition of this claim/service is pending further review.

OA 134 Technical fees removed from charges.

OA 136 Claim adjusted based on failure to follow prior payer’s coverage rules. (Use Group Code OA).

OA 137 Payment/Reduction for Regulatory Surcharges, Assessments, Allowances or Health Related Taxes.

OA 141 Claim adjustment because the claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage.

OA 143 Portion of payment deferred.

OA 147 Provider contracted/negotiated rate expired or not on file.

OA 148 Claim/service rejected at this time because information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.

OA 155 This claim is denied because the patient refused the service/procedure.

OA 156 Flexible spending account payments

OA 161 Provider performance bonus

OA 186 Payment adjusted since the level of care changed

OA 187 Health Savings account payments

OA 189 "Not otherwise classified" or "unlisted" procedure code (CPT/HCPCS) was billed when there is a specific procedure code for this procedure/service

OA 192 Non standard adjustment code from paper remittance advice.

OA 199 Revenue code and Procedure code do not match.

OA 206 NPI denial - missing

OA 208 NPI denial - not matched

OA 209 Per regulatory or other agreement. The provider cannot collect this amount from the patient. However, this amount may be billed to subsequent payer. Refund to patient if collected. (Use Group code OA)

This new reason code enables Medicare to communicate the message that coinsurance or deductible cannot be collected from the patient. Refund to patient if collected. This is mainly would come with QMB patients.

OA A1 Claim/Service denied. At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the Remittance Advice Remark Code or NCPDP Reject Reason Code.)

OA A6 Prior hospitalization or 30 day transfer requirement not met.

OA A8 Claim denied; ungroupable DRG

OA B11 The claim/service has been transferred to the proper payer/processor for processing. Claim/service not covered by this payer/processor.

OA B12 Services not documented in patients' medical records.

OA B13 Previously paid. Payment for this claim/service may have been provided in a previous payment.

OA B15 Payment adjusted because this service/procedure requires that a qualifying service/procedure be received and covered. The qualifying other service/procedure has not been received/adjudicated.

OA B18 Payment adjusted because this procedure code and modifier were invalid on the date of service

OA B20 Payment adjusted because procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by another provider.

OA B22 This payment is adjusted based on the diagnosis.

A0 Patient refund amount.

A1 Claim denied charges.

A2 Contractual adjustment.

A3 Medicare Secondary Payer liability met.

A4 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Day Outlier Amount.

A5 Medicare Claim PPS Capital Cost Outlier Amount.

A6 Prior hospitalization or 30 day transfer requirement not met.

A7 Presumptive Payment Adjustment.

A8 Claim denied; ungroupable DRG.

B1 Non-covered visits.

B2 Covered visits.

B3 Covered charges.

B4 Late filing penalty.

B5 Payment adjusted because coverage/program guidelines were not met or were exceeded.

B6 This payment is adjusted when performed/billed by this type of provider, by this type of provider in this type of facility, or by a provider of this specialty.

B7 This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service.

B8 Claim/service not covered/reduced because alternative services were available, and should not have been utilized.

B9 Services not covered because the patient is enrolled in a Hospice.

B10 Allowed amount has been reduced because a component of the basic procedure/test was paid. The beneficiary is not liable for more than the charge limit for the basic procedure/test.

B11 The claim/service has been transferred to the proper payer/processor for processing. Claim/service not covered by this payer/processor.

B12 Services not documented in patient’s medical records.

B13 Previously paid. Payment for this claim/service may have been provided in a previous payment.

B14 Payment denied because only one visit or consultation per physician per day is covered.

B15 Payment adjusted because this service/procedure is not paid separately.

B16 Payment adjusted because "new patient" qualifications were not met.

B17 Payment adjusted because this service was not prescribed by a physician, not prescribed prior to delivery, the prescription is incomplete, or the prescription is not current.

B18 Payment denied because this procedure code/modifier was invalid on the date of service or claim submission.

B19 Claim/service adjusted because of the finding of a Review Organization.

B20 Payment adjusted because procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by another provider.

B21 The charges were reduced because the service/care was partially furnished by another physician.

B22 This payment is adjusted based on the diagnosis.

B23 Payment denied because this provider has failed an aspect of a proficiency testing program.

D1 Claim/service denied. Level of subluxation is missing or inadequate.

D2 Claim lacks the name, strength, or dosage of the drug furnished.

D3 Claim/service denied because information to indicate if the patient owns the equipment that requires the part or supply was missing.

D4 Claim/service does not indicate the period of time for which this will be needed.

D5 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks individual lab codes included in the test.

D6 Claim/service denied. Claim did not include patient's medical record for the service.

D7 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks date of patient's most recent physician visit.

D8 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks indicator that "x-ray is available for review”.

D9 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks invoice or statement certifying the actual cost of the lens, less discounts or the type of intraocular lens used.

D10 Claim/service denied. Completed physician financial relationship form not on file.

D11 Claim lacks completed pacemaker registration form.

D12 Claim/service denied. Claim does not identify who performed the purchased diagnostic test or the amount you were charged for the test.

D13 Claim/service denied. Performed by a facility/supplier in which the ordering/referring physician has a financial interest.

D14 Claim lacks indication that plan of treatment is on file.

D15 Claim lacks indication that service was supervised or evaluated by a physician.

W1 Workers Compensation State Fee Schedule Adjustment.

OA denial code BCBS insurance

OA 5 Place of service not valid for this procedure
OA 6 Procedure inappropriate for age replace with
OA 6 Denied - age conflict
OA 7 Procedure inappropriate for sex replace with
OA 11 One or more line items denied due to ambulatory review
OA 11 Denied - procedure not expected with diagnosis
OA 19 Employment-related claims are not covered
OA 22 Episode and or plan co-pay or deductible limit reached
OA 30 Waiting period for this type of service has expired
OA 51 Pre-existing waiting period not expired for diagnosis
OA 52 Provider not authorized to render second surgical opinion
OA 54 Assistant surgeons are not covered for this surgery
OA 54 Denied procedure does not allow assistant surgeon
OA 125 E & M higher than exprected to diagnosis, replaced with
OA 125 New E & M already used, replaced with
OA A2 Patient stop loss limit has been reach
OA B18 Denied - Unlisted procedure
OA B18 Denied - Procedure undefined
OA B18 Denied - Obsolete procedure
PI 50 Denied - Cosmetic procedure
PI 55 Denied - experimental procedure
PR A2 Benefits applied towards episode, copay, deductible limit

For full list of Medicare denial codes.

claim denial code list MA 121, MA 122 , M12 - M134

Medicaid Claim Denial Codes

MA121 Missing/incomplete/invalid x-ray date.
MA122 Missing/incomplete/invalid initial treatment date.

Common Reasons for Message

    Initial treatment date in Item 14 is either missing or invalid
    Incorrect qualifier was used on electronic claim

Next Step

    Resubmit claim with initial treatment date Item 14 or electronic equivalent
        Initial treatment date is required on all chiropractic claims involving spinal manipulation
    Resubmit electronic claim with correct qualifier for initial treatment date
        Initial treatment date is submitted in Loop 2300
        Initial treatment date is reported in a DTP segment in format CCYYMMDD

        Qualifier must be submitted as 454

MA 12 - 63

MA12 You have not established that you have the right under the law to bill for services
furnished by the person(s) that furnished this (these) service(s).
MA13 You may be subject to penalties if you bill the patient for amounts not reported with
the PR (patient responsibility) group code.
MA14 Patient is a member of an employer-sponsored prepaid health plan. Services from
outside that health plan are not covered. However, as you were not previously notified
of this, we are paying this time. In the future, we will not pay you for non-plan
MA15 Your claim has been separated to expedite handling. You will receive a separate notice
for the other services reported.
MA16 The patient is covered by the Black Lung Program. Send this claim to the Department
of Labor, Federal Black Lung Program, P.O. Box 828, Lanham-Seabrook MD 20703.
MA17 We are the primary payer and have paid at the primary rate. You must contact the
patient's other insurer to refund any excess it may have paid due to its erroneous
primary payment.
MA18 The claim information is also being forwarded to the patient's supplemental insurer.
Send any questions regarding supplemental benefits to them.
MA19 Information was not sent to the Medigap insurer due to incorrect/invalid information
you submitted concerning that insurer. Please verify your information and submit your
secondary claim directly to that insurer.
MA20 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) stay not covered when care is primarily related to the
use of an urethral catheter for convenience or the control of incontinence.
Note: (Modified 6/30/03)
MA21 SSA records indicate mismatch with name and sex.
MA22 Payment of less than $1.00 suppressed.
MA23 Demand bill approved as result of medical review.
MA24 Christian Science Sanitarium/ Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) bill in the same benefit
Note: (Modified 6/30/03)
MA25 A patient may not elect to change a hospice provider more than once in a benefit
MA26 Our records indicate that you were previously informed of this rule.
MA27 Missing/incomplete/invalid entitlement number or name shown on the claim.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA28 Receipt of this notice by a physician or supplier who did not accept assignment is for
information only and does not make the physician or supplier a party to the
determination. No additional rights to appeal this decision, above those rights already
provided for by regulation/instruction, are conferred by receipt of this notice.
MA29 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider name, city, state, or zip code.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA30 Missing/incomplete/invalid type of bill.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA31 Missing/incomplete/invalid beginning and ending dates of the period billed.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA32 Missing/incomplete/invalid number of covered days during the billing period.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA33 Missing/incomplete/invalid noncovered days during the billing period.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA34 Missing/incomplete/invalid number of coinsurance days during the billing period.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA35 Missing/incomplete/invalid number of lifetime reserve days.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA36 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient name.
MA37 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient's address.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA38 Missing/incomplete/invalid birth date.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA39 Missing/incomplete/invalid gender.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA40 Missing/incomplete/invalid admission date.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA41 Missing/incomplete/invalid admission type.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA42 Missing/incomplete/invalid admission source.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA43 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient status.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA44 No appeal rights. Adjudicative decision based on law.
MA45 As previously advised, a portion or all of your payment is being held in a special
MA46 The new information was considered, however, additional payment cannot be issued.
Please review the information listed for the explanation.
MA47 Our records show you have opted out of Medicare, agreeing with the patient not to bill
Medicare for services/tests/supplies furnished. As result, we cannot pay this claim. The
patient is responsible for payment.
MA48 Missing/incomplete/invalid name or address of responsible party or primary payer.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA49 Missing/incomplete/invalid six-digit provider identifier for home health agency or
hospice for physician(s) performing care plan oversight services.
Note: (Deactivated eff.8/1/04) Consider using MA76
MA50 Missing/incomplete/invalid Investigational Device Exemption number for FDA-approved
clinical trial services.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA51 Missing/incomplete/invalid CLIA certification number for laboratory services billed by
physician office laboratory.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 2/5/05) Consider using MA120
MA52 Missing/incomplete/invalid date.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA53 Missing/incomplete/invalid Competitive Bidding Demonstration Project identification.
Note: (Modified 2/1/04)
MA54 Physician certification or election consent for hospice care not received timely.
MA55 Not covered as patient received medical health care services, automatically revoking
his/her election to receive religious non-medical health care services.
MA56 Our records show you have opted out of Medicare, agreeing with the patient not to bill
Medicare for services/tests/supplies furnished. As result, we cannot pay this claim. The
patient is responsible for payment, but under Federal law, you cannot charge the
patient more than the limiting charge amount.
MA57 Patient submitted written request to revoke his/her election for religious non-medical
health care services.
MA58 Missing/incomplete/invalid release of information indicator.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA59 The patient overpaid you for these services. You must issue the patient a refund within
30 days for the difference between his/her payment and the total amount shown as
patient responsibility on this notice.
MA60 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient relationship to insured.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA61 Missing/incomplete/invalid social security number or health insurance claim number.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA62 Telephone review decision.
MA63 Missing/incomplete/invalid principal diagnosis.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)

MA 64- MA 113

MA64 Our records indicate that we should be the third payer for this claim. We cannot
process this claim until we have received payment information from the primary and
secondary payers.
MA65 Missing/incomplete/invalid admitting diagnosis.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA66 Missing/incomplete/invalid principal procedure code.
Note: (Modified 12/2/04) Related to N303
MA67 Correction to a prior claim.
MA68 We did not crossover this claim because the secondary insurance information on the
claim was incomplete. Please supply complete information or use the PLANID of the
insurer to assure correct and timely routing of the claim.
MA69 Missing/incomplete/invalid remarks.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA70 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider representative signature.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA71 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider representative signature date.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA72 The patient overpaid you for these assigned services. You must issue the patient a
refund within 30 days for the difference between his/her payment to you and the total
of the amount shown as patient responsibility and as paid to the patient on this notice.
MA73 Informational remittance associated with a Medicare demonstration. No payment
issued under fee-for-service Medicare as patient has elected managed care.
MA74 This payment replaces an earlier payment for this claim that was either lost, damaged
or returned.
MA75 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient or authorized representative signature.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA76 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider identifier for home health agency or hospice when
physician is performing care plan oversight services.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03, 2/1/04)
MA77 The patient overpaid you. You must issue the patient a refund within 30 days for the
difference between the patient’s payment less the total of our and other payer
payments and the amount shown as patient responsibility on this notice.
MA78 The patient overpaid you. You must issue the patient a refund within 30 days for the
difference between our allowed amount total and the amount paid by the patient.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 1/31/2004) Consider using MA59
MA79 Billed in excess of interim rate.
MA80 Informational notice. No payment issued for this claim with this notice. Payment
issued to the hospital by its intermediary for all services for this encounter under a
demonstration project.
MA81 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider/supplier signature.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA82 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider/supplier billing number/identifier or billing name,
address, city, state, zip code, or phone number.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA83 Did not indicate whether we are the primary or secondary payer.
Note: (Modified 8/1/05)
MA84 Patient identified as participating in the National Emphysema Treatment Trial but our
records indicate that this patient is either not a participant, or has not yet been
approved for this phase of the study. Contact Johns Hopkins University, the study
coordinator, to resolve if there was a discrepancy.
MA85 Our records indicate that a primary payer exists (other than ourselves); however, you
did not complete or enter accurately the insurance plan/group/program name or
identification number. Enter the PlanID when effective.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 8/1/04) Consider using MA92
MA86 Missing/incomplete/invalid group or policy number of the insured for the primary
Note: (Deactivated eff. 8/1/04) Consider using MA92
MA87 Missing/incomplete/invalid insured's name for the primary payer.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 8/1/04) Consider using MA92
MA88 Missing/incomplete/invalid insured's address and/or telephone number for the primary
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA89 Missing/incomplete/invalid patient's relationship to the insured for the primary payer.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA90 Missing/incomplete/invalid employment status code for the primary insured.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03).
MA91 This determination is the result of the appeal you filed.
MA92 Missing plan information for other insurance.
Note: (Modified 2/1/04) Related to N245
MA93 Non-PIP (Periodic Interim Payment) claim.
Note: (Modified 6/30/03)
MA94 Did not enter the statement “Attending physician not hospice employee” on the claim
form to certify that the rendering physician is not an employee of the hospice.
Note: (Reactivated 4/1/04, Modified 8/1/05)
MA95 De-activate and refer to M51.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA96 Claim rejected. Coded as a Medicare Managed Care Demonstration but patient is not
enrolled in a Medicare managed care plan.
MA97 Missing/incomplete/invalid Medicare Managed Care Demonstration contract number.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA98 Claim Rejected. Does not contain the correct Medicare Managed Care Demonstration
contract number for this beneficiary.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 10/16/03) Consider using MA97
MA99 Missing/incomplete/invalid Medigap information.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA100 Missing/incomplete/invalid date of current illness or symptoms
Note: (Modified 2/28/03, 3/30/05)
MA101 A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) is responsible for payment of outside providers who
furnish these services/supplies to residents.
Note: (Modified 6/30/03)
MA102 Missing/incomplete/invalid name or provider identifier for the rendering/referring/
ordering/ supervising provider.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 8/1/04) Consider using M68
MA103 Hemophilia Add On.
MA104 Missing/incomplete/invalid date the patient was last seen or the provider identifier of
the attending physician.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 1/31/2004) Consider using M128 or M57
MA105 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider number for this place of service.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA106 PIP (Periodic Interim Payment) claim.
Note: (Modified 6/30/03)
MA107 Paper claim contains more than three separate data items in field 19.
MA108 Paper claim contains more than one data item in field 23.
MA109 Claim processed in accordance with ambulatory surgical guidelines.
MA110 Missing/incomplete/invalid information on whether the diagnostic test(s) were
performed by an outside entity or if no purchased tests are included on the claim.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA111 Missing/incomplete/invalid purchase price of the test(s) and/or the performing
laboratory's name and address.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA112 Missing/incomplete/invalid group practice information.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA113 Incomplete/invalid taxpayer identification number (TIN) submitted by you per the
Internal Revenue Service. Your claims cannot be processed without your correct TIN,
and you may not bill the patient pending correction of your TIN. There are no appeal
rights for unprocessable claims, but you may resubmit this claim after you have
notified this office of your correct TIN.
MA114 Missing/incomplete/invalid information on where the services were furnished.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA115 Missing/incomplete/invalid physical location (name and address, or PIN) where the
service(s) were rendered in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA).
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA116 Did not complete the statement "Homebound" on the claim to validate whether
laboratory services were performed at home or in an institution.
Note: (Reactivated 4/1/04)
MA117 This claim has been assessed a $1.00 user fee.
MA118 Coinsurance and/or deductible amounts apply to a claim for services or supplies
furnished to a Medicare-eligible veteran through a facility of the Department of
Veterans Affairs. No Medicare payment issued.
MA119 Provider level adjustment for late claim filing applies to this claim.
MA120 Missing/incomplete/invalid CLIA certification number.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03)
MA121 Missing/incomplete/invalid x-ray date.
Note: (Modified 12/2/04)
MA122 Missing/incomplete/invalid initial treatment date.
Note: (Modified 12/2/04)
MA123 Your center was not selected to participate in this study, therefore, we cannot pay for
these services.
MA124 Processed for IME only.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 1/31/2004) Consider using Reason Code 74
MA125 Per legislation governing this program, payment constitutes payment in full.
MA126 Pancreas transplant not covered unless kidney transplant performed.
Note: (New Code 10/12/01)
MA127 Reserved for future use.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 6/2/05)
MA128 Missing/incomplete/invalid FDA approval number.
Note: (Modified 2/28/03, 3/30/05)
MA129 This provider was not certified for this procedure on this date of service.
Note: (Deactivated eff. 1/31/2004) Consider using MA120 and Reason Code B7
MA130 Your claim contains incomplete and/or invalid information, and no appeal rights are
afforded because the claim is unprocessable. Please submit a new claim with the
complete/correct information.
MA131 Physician already paid for services in conjunction with this demonstration claim. You
must have the physician withdraw that claim and refund the payment before we can
process your claim.
MA132 Adjustment to the pre-demonstration rate.
MA133 Claim overlaps inpatient stay. Rebill only those services rendered outside the inpatient
MA134 Missing/incomplete/invalid provider number of the facility where the patient resides.

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